Hi, my name is

Damien Boisvert


Programming Languages Learned


GitHub Followers


Open-Source Repositories on my GitHub

My Skills

Web Design

I othen create websites for fun, either for some side project, a real website (like this one), or a site for a friend.

Backend Development

I code backends for software I write, othen using the Python programming language.

Server Management

I (and my father) run our 3 servers at home. Their names are (yes, we name them) Hubby, Cosmic, and Goliath. This website is hosted on Hubby.

Who Am I?

That’s a pretty tough question, and one that I’m still trying to find out myself! As of now, I am a Full Stack software developer. I write my software and server-side applications primarily in Python, however, I got my feet wet in many different programming languages and frameworks.

In one sentence, I am

Just a software developer trying to learn something new!